Friday, August 9, 2024

" ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave... When first we practice to deceive"

 Hello Darlings,

I did not expect I would be writing this Blog post today. This is pure shooting from the hip writing. 

For those that know , well you already know the truth.. for those that don't, feel free to take a seat and 

learn from my mistake.

When I become friends with someone I always talk about womb to the tomb friendships. I am a very

loyal friend. The one thing I can't , won't and never will tolerate.. Lying to Me or Lying about Me.

Very recently someone I trusted, called a friend & twin..someone I stood up for and stuck up for Her 

even if it meant I was going to insulted by her "loving" friends until they all turned on her and

 abandoned Her. Someone who recently has taken to yelling at me when her ANGER reaches out to

 engulf us all. I stayed her friend as she was banned from a friends web site that he created/owns. I

 offered to help and was told SHE did not need a "GO BETWEEN." I refused to give out employee

 email addresses ( a complete privacy violation ) . Another member began giving out private email


 Another time I was writing about the great loss of My Cat Tallulah  only to be told by Her that a cat is 

not the same as a human loss.  It was at that moment I knew no matter what , HER feelings were

the Only ones that count. If we have Our own feelings they are meaningless. My Cats are MY children 

and THEY and their Loss matter to Me very much.

She lied to Me.

She lied about Me.

I knew She had anger issues. I have lost count of the number of members who either complained

to Me about Her or warned me about her. 

Recently she blogged and mentioned her anger issues and a Dear Friend & wonderful employee of my 

Friends site suggested  thinking about anger management/therapy as a healthier alternative to the way

she treats friends now. The moment I saw it I knew My Friend was going to hear about it and it began 

slowly. Negative replies to comments My Friend would leave while others received nicer comments

 from Her..

 Than a blog post directed to the site making super negative comments about My Friend and did the

 site even look into the mental Health of its employees ? Everyone was stunned. The Site itself told Her 

to STOP talking about employees . They had to tell her twice.

I sent Her an email asking about what the heck was going on . I  heard back but it was not what I 

expected. I thought she'd take responsibility for the horrible post, take it down, apologize to my Friend 

and to another friend who was upset by the post. 


What did happen ? This not so funny meme turns up on Facebook and I see it.. I do NOT think 

this is funny.

I am the " whiny little cry babies" she is referring to. I guess I was supposed to LOL over a

demeaning blog post meant to see My Friend get fired. Why fired ? ALL because My Friend 

suggested getting some help to deal with her anger management issues. BTW, NONE of Us

EVER asked her to give up her own opinions or beliefs. We were always told ONLY hers 

mattered and that we needed to deal with it. 

On that post above I left a comment .. She saw it & deleted it right away. 

I knew Her history of doing that & saved it... 

Here it is :

Imagine My surprise when I log into My Friends site and find a new blog post of Hers

and It is all, ALL about me..

But she is Innocent..

SHE did nothing wrong...

She didn't try to have my friend fired..

She didn't attack an innocent woman who had only tried to be of help and be a

Friend to Her.

Quel Surprise !!!!  J'accuse... I am being accused of trying to "out" her to her family/friends for

being on an adult site.

By My comment above...


Where do I mention the adult site ?  I don't.

Where do I mention her family ?  I don't.

Where do I mention her anger issues ?  I don't.

ALL I asked her for was consideration of others & the battles people face daily. 

Apparently that was to much to ask For. 

So now Her followers are rushing to tell her how horrible I must be as I tried to show

the WORLD & Her family the real Her..

Except I didn't.

I wouldn't have,

Feel Free to share this post..I am sure the members of the site would appreciate the


For Once,

Thanks for Reading & Hugss,


AUGUST 14, 2024...

I became a Princess !!!  I feel soooooooooooooo Royal & worthy of 2 whole blogs written about Little Princess Me..( well, the fact she stole my blog to share on hers , I guess that makes 1 and a tiny half of Hers ) 


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Welcome To My Doll House !!

Welcome To My DollHouse..

Hello Darlings,

Just having fun with a link that Sugar Daddy introduced me too. I thought of You all as I created this & hope it makes You Laugh & Smile.

Welcome to "The Voice" as we call it.

Happy Wicked Wed !! 




Wednesday, May 26, 2021

My First Linked In Article !!


Hello Dear Readers,

Today I posted the first article I wrote on Linked In & I think it is doing very well. Members are reading it & Laughing as I hoped they would. 

For those of you Non-Linkers I thought I would share it here too. 

Hope you Enjoy it,



"Linked In is Not A Dating Site" ..By Maureen McNeil-Finerty

This is NOT going to be a hit piece on Linked In. I have always enjoyed being  a member here. My friends are here, family members, Favorite Boss too. While we all struggled through the Pandemic & working from home ,The #WeAreAllInThisTogether Movement ..I thought to write a little piece on how even with some of the most fascinating & intelligent Men & Women here as members that Linked In is not and never has been  a dating website.

When I first joined as a member this site was very different from what it is now. I noticed several young ladies selling themselves very discreetly here..I even was approached by a Lady "Manager" from the UK asking Me when I was coming to visit the UK as she " arranged" dates with wealthy men and all I had to do was accept a limo ride, fine meal & wines and be eye candy on the men's arms. I told the nice "manager" that I would be travelling with a man and she said, "Oh that's fine..Just let me know when you are coming to the UK." Linked in was a wild place to be in those days.

As an Actor/Writer I have received some interesting email messages over the years. When I began writing Erotica to just see if I could, it opened up a lot more doors for Me. I admit I ran into a lot of married men who were dealing with sick wives who no longer could keep up with their husbands sexual demands/needs. I am a great listener and felt sorry for these men..If there is a tale or story to be told, I have heard it or know someone who experienced it.  The one problem I ran into on Linked ? Where there are married men ..there are the wives they are married too.. The wives began looking at my profile and creating one of their own to confront me..Here on Linked, to my blog even to Facebook..I kept hearing what a BAD girl I was. Every insulting word one can think of for a woman, it was thrown at me. One wife even threatened to divorce her Husband ( who was ONLY a Great friend of mine. His heart belonged to some Other woman in San Diego ) for talking to me. I tried so hard to explain time and time again that I was only a friend to them..but no, I am a woman so I had to be a Bad Girl , homewrecker or just plain whore/trollop. You get the idea.  One time I was even in the middle of a friend and his Girlfriend ( who he later married ) who fought because he said "Giddyup" in a private message to me over his horrible April 1 joke on Facebook where his friends became very angry with him and I encouraged him to apologize to those he had worried. They fought, he is arrested and the GF and I kept talking to help her through this mess..(They later ended up married and he told me ( after calling me for hours and begging me to help him get his GF back ) I was only a bad memory of that night so he could not be friends with me anymore. His GF kept messaging me until they married. I truly hope they will make it. 

Next up, my latest tale of erotica ..I worked very hard on this tale and the memories of the "incident" that inspired it ..I was chatting with a male friend here and I noticed one of his female connections kept looking at my profile..I accepted her on my Linked In connection list and she  began sending me messages every time I logged onto the site..I did not mind that as she seemed nice. Until the day I logged into Linked and voila the message from her was why did I write about her Sex life with my male friend ? I sent my male buddy a message asking if he knew what this was about..Next up a message from her demanding to know why I had asked him about this..Turns out the two of them were "involved" in sexting and she came to Linked ( a site her own husband is on ) to as she told me, "Help please men." She likes to please a lot of men it seems and came to Linked to do it..One moment she is telling me to be her friend, I remind me of her own daughter, than she says she wants to write erotica, next that she has never been in love, is a virgin ..Loved "C" (My male buddy) AND is terrified of losing her meal ticket Hubby..She raced to find me at Facebook to be her friend, to help her write sci fi, how she can't lose her marriage..How she is simply a Great-Grandmother who cybers men in need. How my erotica had done something to her.. This is why I tell my Male & female friends to be wary of people who pretend to be one thing or another that is not truth based. She quit Linked, Her hubby stayed here as a member and "C" fled the site vowing to never return.  WHO got the blame for this mess ? Me and my erotica which drove a raging Great-Grandmother from Florida to quit the site after threatening to tell "C"s family & company he works for the "truth" about their interlude and threatening Me too.

This is why I keep reminding people...LINKED IN is not and has never been a dating site. There are 3 thousand+ dating sites online to  enjoy. I have noticed a number of Linked In Profiles that clearly state "NOT HERE FOR DATING." (along with that they are not here for Bitcoin or investments either ) 

Don't get me wrong, I adore men & admire all the amazing women here..I just do not want to see any of You have to go through what I have. I think I heard some laughter and that is a great thing to hear after all we've been through since #2020. You are all wonderful men and women who work so hard for all you Have and want to achieve.

Just one thing...If a Great-Grandmother named Diana from Florida wants to "help please you." Just say NO and run away, far away and it will not be my fault or my erotic tales..I merely created the scenes of a man and a woman enjoying their bodies and NO, I did not know about her sex life nor wrote about it either. 

Feel Free to laugh, chuckle and guffaw..I know I did while recalling My adventures in Linked  In Land..

Has anything like this happened to you on this site or another ??? Want to share a funny story ? Or even a Sad story ? Feel free to share.

Happy Linked In-ing,

Maureen McNeil-Finerty

@Copyright Kindred Spirits Production Company May 20, 2021

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Welcome To or Welcome Back To My Blog !!


Hello My Darling Readers,

Welcome Too or Welcome Back to My Blog Life..I hope everyone is doing well & keeping Safe & Healthy..Take care & Wear a mask & gloves, Please.

I have seen quite a surge in new readers/viewers from all over the world..

I know I have a LOT of fans in Russia...that is really interesting to me.

1) Chicago, IL...Wow, you must be my BIGGEST Fan base of all...I wonder at the topics you choose to read...Are you a Lawyer who used to be on Linked In ?  A  Former Linked In connection who travels all over the world for his job ?  Is it Clay or his family members in IL ? Is it that weird  little man who fled Twitter in Terror ( Purging his account for fear someone might say his name on Follow Friday ) ?? Chicago seems to have  a lot of stalker-like people in it..

2) San Diego, I think I know who this lovely visitor is..I am a Big fan of Hers..

3) Flower Mound, Texas...This is a new one for me..Welcome..

4) Delaware..Well that is easy, I know who This is...Surprised he could find time to view this or is he looking to see if a certain ex-Lady of his is still visiting my blog ? Or perhaps to see if I have written anymore of Our "adventures" for posterity ?  Trust me , there is a lot more to come of those..Thankfully I saved everything !!

I am as fascinated by my readers as they are by Me...Feel free to leave a message..I am the only one who sees the messages before they are posted or deleted..Do not be so shy Chicago...what have you to fear from Me...or is it something other than Fear ??? Either way , Use your words not just your fingers on your keyboard..

For all my other Cherished Readers..Welcome to my Blog and I hope there is something you will find interesting and Fascinating to read, learn about & enjoy.

Have a Wonderful Wicked Wednesday,



Tuesday, June 2, 2020

HOT OFF THE PRESSES : Fan mail for Me About the Alpha Tales

Good Morning My Darling Readers,

Hello From California..Locked Down, Curfew City..Hello to My New Readers from Russia, Delaware ( Hi "C" ) Chicago ( Very wild that...who are all these people from Chicago, IL who love to read my words ??  & WHY are they so frightened of leaving a comment ?? ) Is one of them the strange man who ran away from Twitter ?? The same man who sent another man to ask to join my Linked In just so the man could spy on my account but I hide all my connections so the second man quit my Linked In Account and again, blocked..(No great Loss )

Then moving forward I had this interesting fan mail and I remembered "C" said he wanted to see some fan mail and this is my only way of letting him see it since with the Pandemic & now the riots He is overwhelmed with he told me & working 17-19 Hours a day !!

This was emailed to me by the site Literotica where I publish my erotica tales.I thought this was a very interesting and Fun email..Hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.  "C'" LOVES to be called "Daddy" and referred to me as His "Unicorn"...Well there you go, "C" ..turns out you were right..LOL.

Enjoy the Fan mail..

Happy Sexy Reading & #Stay Safe & #StayHome..


Tue 6/2/2020 3:22 AM
  •  GoddessMaureen
This message contains feedback for: GoddessMaureen
About the submission: Ana's Little Secret - Sex in the SINema Alpha Tale 01
This feedback was sent by: A Fan




Where in the Bay Area do go find empty theaters!
Especially now
Thank you
That was great..
A tad too rough, but I could learn to like it
I the 650

Thursday, April 9, 2020

For "C" Thank YOU !!

Dear C,

Happy Thursday..I just thought I would write this here..rather then bombard you with emails..
Thank you for taking the time away from your lunch/day to write to me that lovely, touching email. It truly meant a lot to me, to and for Us. I know how tough things are right now with your work, the Pandemic crisis..We lost sight of each other but did not lose one another in the long run.

I will keep adding to this blog post when I want to share news with you or the new Alpha erotica tale..This is where you will find news of me until we are reunited in Our world. Never think, not even for one moment, that I did not miss you & worry. I should have just gotten on a plane to see you in Delaware for myself..To just make sure you were safe/healthy. I Pray for you & the family every day. We will get through this Pandemic Together, I promise.

Thank you C..for everything.." Ich werde auf dich warten"

Love & Hugs, Stay Well,Safe & Healthy,


Monday, April 6, 2020

Congratulate Me !! Linked In Said Yes !!

Dear Readers,

Hello From your Favourite Journalist..I have been talking with the website Linked In about writing an Op-ed piece about some of my experiences on their site and interviewing others about theirs. I was not sure whether I wanted it to be sad or funny ..I just know it won't be a Hit Piece on their site.I have Dear Friends & Family as connections and just thought in the sad, dark days we are all living that something to make us all wonder about, open up lines of communication  and think..Maybe even laugh..

Lucky for me I KEEP everything..Emails,. voice mails, text messages, photos..all messages from all sites..When I decide on my next book, which will be about the last 7-8 months of my life and all the adventures Linked In & other sites led me too..I will keep you all posted.

I might even have been wrong about the woman in Florida..Time & The Truth will let me know if I was. I do believe there have been other victims at LINKED In and I am making it my job to find them.

When I finish my Op-Ed piece on Linked I will share it here also. Really looking forward to hearing what the men & women of the site think/feel on the topic.

Happy Monday & Hoping this week is a good one for all of Us..




Your Loyal & Faithful Journalist