Friday, August 9, 2024

" ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave... When first we practice to deceive"

 Hello Darlings,

I did not expect I would be writing this Blog post today. This is pure shooting from the hip writing. 

For those that know , well you already know the truth.. for those that don't, feel free to take a seat and 

learn from my mistake.

When I become friends with someone I always talk about womb to the tomb friendships. I am a very

loyal friend. The one thing I can't , won't and never will tolerate.. Lying to Me or Lying about Me.

Very recently someone I trusted, called a friend & twin..someone I stood up for and stuck up for Her 

even if it meant I was going to insulted by her "loving" friends until they all turned on her and

 abandoned Her. Someone who recently has taken to yelling at me when her ANGER reaches out to

 engulf us all. I stayed her friend as she was banned from a friends web site that he created/owns. I

 offered to help and was told SHE did not need a "GO BETWEEN." I refused to give out employee

 email addresses ( a complete privacy violation ) . Another member began giving out private email


 Another time I was writing about the great loss of My Cat Tallulah  only to be told by Her that a cat is 

not the same as a human loss.  It was at that moment I knew no matter what , HER feelings were

the Only ones that count. If we have Our own feelings they are meaningless. My Cats are MY children 

and THEY and their Loss matter to Me very much.

She lied to Me.

She lied about Me.

I knew She had anger issues. I have lost count of the number of members who either complained

to Me about Her or warned me about her. 

Recently she blogged and mentioned her anger issues and a Dear Friend & wonderful employee of my 

Friends site suggested  thinking about anger management/therapy as a healthier alternative to the way

she treats friends now. The moment I saw it I knew My Friend was going to hear about it and it began 

slowly. Negative replies to comments My Friend would leave while others received nicer comments

 from Her..

 Than a blog post directed to the site making super negative comments about My Friend and did the

 site even look into the mental Health of its employees ? Everyone was stunned. The Site itself told Her 

to STOP talking about employees . They had to tell her twice.

I sent Her an email asking about what the heck was going on . I  heard back but it was not what I 

expected. I thought she'd take responsibility for the horrible post, take it down, apologize to my Friend 

and to another friend who was upset by the post. 


What did happen ? This not so funny meme turns up on Facebook and I see it.. I do NOT think 

this is funny.

I am the " whiny little cry babies" she is referring to. I guess I was supposed to LOL over a

demeaning blog post meant to see My Friend get fired. Why fired ? ALL because My Friend 

suggested getting some help to deal with her anger management issues. BTW, NONE of Us

EVER asked her to give up her own opinions or beliefs. We were always told ONLY hers 

mattered and that we needed to deal with it. 

On that post above I left a comment .. She saw it & deleted it right away. 

I knew Her history of doing that & saved it... 

Here it is :

Imagine My surprise when I log into My Friends site and find a new blog post of Hers

and It is all, ALL about me..

But she is Innocent..

SHE did nothing wrong...

She didn't try to have my friend fired..

She didn't attack an innocent woman who had only tried to be of help and be a

Friend to Her.

Quel Surprise !!!!  J'accuse... I am being accused of trying to "out" her to her family/friends for

being on an adult site.

By My comment above...


Where do I mention the adult site ?  I don't.

Where do I mention her family ?  I don't.

Where do I mention her anger issues ?  I don't.

ALL I asked her for was consideration of others & the battles people face daily. 

Apparently that was to much to ask For. 

So now Her followers are rushing to tell her how horrible I must be as I tried to show

the WORLD & Her family the real Her..

Except I didn't.

I wouldn't have,

Feel Free to share this post..I am sure the members of the site would appreciate the


For Once,

Thanks for Reading & Hugss,


AUGUST 14, 2024...

I became a Princess !!!  I feel soooooooooooooo Royal & worthy of 2 whole blogs written about Little Princess Me..( well, the fact she stole my blog to share on hers , I guess that makes 1 and a tiny half of Hers ) 



  1. Unfortunately a leopard will never change their spots.

    1. Darling Bow,

      Thank You so much. This whole mess stinks of toxicity and I do not want that in My Life & or the Lives of those I Love.



  2. Wow, it takes a lot for you to go all out like this.

    High time to turn your back and walk away.

    1. Jaye,

      Thank you My Role Model. You know me so well. August is never a good month to upset me in & watching what was posted about Our Dear Friend really upset me. I do not care what her followers think of me but I do care when People try to bully Friends of Ours who were Only trying to help. I care when someone tries to Use me to get herself attention & feed Her ego by lying about me. As we stood for "Respect" We need to stand for those who would try to bully or harass Members/employees/friends of ours. Just as I stood for Her when she was being Fat shamed by her stalker/her former friends/enemies.

      Hugsss & Many Thanks,


  3. Hugs, big big hugs. I know this whole thing has been an ordeal for you…for us.

    1. Dear Debbi,

      Happy Sat :) Hugs & Big Big Hugss for You too !!! I am sorry for all of tension, lies, abuse & non apologies. This never should have happened. I feel sorry for the next member or employee who becomes a Target of her Rage.

      Giant Hugsss,


  4. Hello All,

    Quel Surprise 2 !!! I had another blog dedicated to me on the site..What a surprise.. Not only did she write about Me and lied again ( no surprise there ) she STOLE my words and without My Permission attempted to post this exact blog on her own troubled one on the adult site. Kindred Spirits Prod Company did NOT give her permission to do that. I said readers could let others know this blog exists but to NOT steal copyrighted material. Shame On You Canada..Especially when You've been accusing others of stealing your pix & words and putting them on wordpress. Especially you who have been accused of stealing others poems & writings and claiming them as your own.

    Just you so know Canada, the other big lie you told about trying to post here and that I deleted the comment ? LIE..This site emails the bloggers when we need to approve a comment from anyone and what a surprise.. YOU NEVER WROTE A COMMENT ON THIS POST.. There was no email alerting me to your so called "reply " because YOU never wrote one.

    Thank you the Princess Tag you gave to me. I feel so honoured and My Sugar Daddy was thrilled to hear he rated a mention from you too.

    Have a Great Day All & Thanks for reading this & Hugss,

    Maureen/ANA6 ( NOT Anna, but ANA6 )

    1. 💜 She’s allergic to the truth.

    2. Debbi,

      Hello & it sure seems like it. Until recently I never saw this side of her. We all worked so hard to get her back onto the site. Worked to defend her against the members who she wronged and hated her..Wrote a blog to stick up for her ..and what did we all get for it ? You, Spunky, Me ??? Spite & lies. At least the members know the truth about this mess she created and we had to finish. Btw, she lied about commenting and I supposedly deleted it which I did not she came back at 9:37 am today, Ag 15, 2024 and simply decided to post "LMFAO !!!! "

      What is so shocking to me is that we were such close friends. I really cared about her & Loved Her as my friend . I prayed for her when she began having health issues & worried about her and her BF and now, sadly, all those worries are coming true. The woman I thought I knew would never have gone after one of her friends and make fun of mental health issues as Her own family has more then their fair share of them. Heartbreaking indeed. When I saw her do that , that tore it right there.



    3. Narcissistic people who blather on about being “alphas” are often awesome manipulators. In fact, that’s that manipulative nature that’s able to fool so many. Narcissists look for kind people to latch onto, because they know we are fairly easy targets. We want to see the best in people. Plus they can try to emulate our empathy. But when it comes down to it, like we saw, the aggression rears its head, and they refuse to accept responsibility for their poor behavior.

      As you and I know, a genuine apology includes remorse and a promise to try not to do it again. What it doesn’t include are excuses for your bad behavior. Actual apologies admit there was no excuse. And, alphas are humble enough to admit their mistakes rather than point fingers and blame everywhere but at themselves.

      Not to mention, the moment you say you’re alpha, you’re not. You don’t have to say it, you just are.

    4. Dear Debbi,

      Thank you for your eloquent description of this situation. You speak the truth 100 %. I fear a world where empathy is seen as weakness instead of strength. Every time I hear the world "alpha" from her I just shake my head and say to myself, "She knows not what she speaks." I think in her mind she wishes to be seen as one.. To have men fall on their knees and proclaim her woman above all others...To have women hide themselves from her self proclaimed Perfection.. The moment you have to stand on others to shout your own name and declare yourself to an alpha or anything than You have already lost that infantile battle.

      The only hope left is that one day she will wake up and see all that she has lost through her own foolishness, bragging, stupidity & lies and finally become a Better Person. If such a thing is possible, it would indeed be a real & true miracle.



  5. Replies
    1. Hello Spunky,

      You are so right. It wasn't because I thought other members were wrong I just thought I knew a side of her she did not show to everyone else. When I call someone Sis, Twin etc I mean it. The only thing that can destroy it , is to Lie to Me & About Me and sadly, among all the other horrible things she has done on the site & to members , that was the final straw for Me.



    2. I know you two were close so I feel your pain.
      I've never been close with her. Before our bans, we were blocking each other. I've never liked how she uses her blog to attack people or groups of people.
      Though she smeared me over my so-called hidden agenda, for the sake of harmony I chose not to lock horns with her. She claimed that I hadn't revealed that I only wanted back on AFF to reclaim some of my blog posts. I think I was crystal clear about that.
      I know my grievances are small beer compared to what you and others are experiencing.

    3. Spunky,

      Thank You Darling. I did not know that you both had each other blocked. Hidden Agenda ? I saved every single email, message we all shared about the 4 of you being banned and in every one of them , YOU always mentioned about wanting to come back and retrieve your TDF photos. You were 100 % Honest/upfront about that from day 1 to now.

      When I emailed her about Debbi I was told she was tired of talking about and had apologized. I never saw an apology on site. I had mentioned to her how she upset you or you would not leave a comment like that on her blog and she explained your being upset as not understanding as You two live in different counties..( I believe she meant countries ) and that was the reason you were upset !!!! She knew how close You & Debbi are as friends/family.

      Thank You for sharing Your thoughts & Huggss,


      PS: Hello to Poland & Vietnam who are visiting my blog today.. Lovely to have You.

    4. It's great when people from different countries visit your blog. I've learnt so much about other countries, especially America, Japan, Canada, Spain, South Africa, Australia, Singapore and France, from blogging. How different but how similar we all are.
      I just want to reiterate my big thanks to you for your efforts to get us back on AFF. I believe without your help it wouldn't have happened. Thank you. You are a star.

    5. Spunky,

      Thank You Darling for your lovely words. Really means a lot to me. I am so glad that out of the sadness of the banning I was able to meet You & become friends. A blessing in the darkness.

      Happy Weekend Hugss,


  6. Ironic that she's doing the same thing that was done to her. Yet, she sees nothing wrong with that. I remember the time Ana got attacked in Ryan's group by another blogger just because she made a joke and that blogger got relentlessly attacked before.

    1. Dear Jaye,

      Thank You so much. I was stunned at that too !! All that had been visited upon her, all the help members offered only to have her turn on all of them and she does the very thing she screamed about when it was done to Her.

      Please remind me of the time I said a joke in the group and was attacked ? I can not recall this moment and I hope it was not a horrible joke that made fun of someone else.



    2. I can't remember the username of the person who was attacking you, but you made a joke about buying FFN stocks and the person attacking you was accusing you of taking over the company

    3. Dear Jaye,

      Thank you for taking the time to remind me about this. I refer to this space of time as the "rdy/cosset" mess. The former best buddies who went from loving one another/best friends to fighting their way through the site & through the Courts in Michigan. This all happened because of the spying in chat room ability that I hope the site has found a way to stop.


