Friday, August 9, 2024

" ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave... When first we practice to deceive"

 Hello Darlings,

I did not expect I would be writing this Blog post today. This is pure shooting from the hip writing. 

For those that know , well you already know the truth.. for those that don't, feel free to take a seat and 

learn from my mistake.

When I become friends with someone I always talk about womb to the tomb friendships. I am a very

loyal friend. The one thing I can't , won't and never will tolerate.. Lying to Me or Lying about Me.

Very recently someone I trusted, called a friend & twin..someone I stood up for and stuck up for Her 

even if it meant I was going to insulted by her "loving" friends until they all turned on her and

 abandoned Her. Someone who recently has taken to yelling at me when her ANGER reaches out to

 engulf us all. I stayed her friend as she was banned from a friends web site that he created/owns. I

 offered to help and was told SHE did not need a "GO BETWEEN." I refused to give out employee

 email addresses ( a complete privacy violation ) . Another member began giving out private email


 Another time I was writing about the great loss of My Cat Tallulah  only to be told by Her that a cat is 

not the same as a human loss.  It was at that moment I knew no matter what , HER feelings were

the Only ones that count. If we have Our own feelings they are meaningless. My Cats are MY children 

and THEY and their Loss matter to Me very much.

She lied to Me.

She lied about Me.

I knew She had anger issues. I have lost count of the number of members who either complained

to Me about Her or warned me about her. 

Recently she blogged and mentioned her anger issues and a Dear Friend & wonderful employee of my 

Friends site suggested  thinking about anger management/therapy as a healthier alternative to the way

she treats friends now. The moment I saw it I knew My Friend was going to hear about it and it began 

slowly. Negative replies to comments My Friend would leave while others received nicer comments

 from Her..

 Than a blog post directed to the site making super negative comments about My Friend and did the

 site even look into the mental Health of its employees ? Everyone was stunned. The Site itself told Her 

to STOP talking about employees . They had to tell her twice.

I sent Her an email asking about what the heck was going on . I  heard back but it was not what I 

expected. I thought she'd take responsibility for the horrible post, take it down, apologize to my Friend 

and to another friend who was upset by the post. 


What did happen ? This not so funny meme turns up on Facebook and I see it.. I do NOT think 

this is funny.

I am the " whiny little cry babies" she is referring to. I guess I was supposed to LOL over a

demeaning blog post meant to see My Friend get fired. Why fired ? ALL because My Friend 

suggested getting some help to deal with her anger management issues. BTW, NONE of Us

EVER asked her to give up her own opinions or beliefs. We were always told ONLY hers 

mattered and that we needed to deal with it. 

On that post above I left a comment .. She saw it & deleted it right away. 

I knew Her history of doing that & saved it... 

Here it is :

Imagine My surprise when I log into My Friends site and find a new blog post of Hers

and It is all, ALL about me..

But she is Innocent..

SHE did nothing wrong...

She didn't try to have my friend fired..

She didn't attack an innocent woman who had only tried to be of help and be a

Friend to Her.

Quel Surprise !!!!  J'accuse... I am being accused of trying to "out" her to her family/friends for

being on an adult site.

By My comment above...


Where do I mention the adult site ?  I don't.

Where do I mention her family ?  I don't.

Where do I mention her anger issues ?  I don't.

ALL I asked her for was consideration of others & the battles people face daily. 

Apparently that was to much to ask For. 

So now Her followers are rushing to tell her how horrible I must be as I tried to show

the WORLD & Her family the real Her..

Except I didn't.

I wouldn't have,

Feel Free to share this post..I am sure the members of the site would appreciate the


For Once,

Thanks for Reading & Hugss,


AUGUST 14, 2024...

I became a Princess !!!  I feel soooooooooooooo Royal & worthy of 2 whole blogs written about Little Princess Me..( well, the fact she stole my blog to share on hers , I guess that makes 1 and a tiny half of Hers )