Merry Christmas ,
Hello to all my Faithful readers. I hope you all are having a great Holiday season so far. #2015 is not a year I think any of us will want to remember so I am already predicting #2016 will be better for everyone. Just ordered the Dress above in half a dozen colours :) Merry Christmas to Me :)
Special Shout Out to my San Francisco & San Carlos readers !! You folks sure are loyal to me and this blog and even my Twitter account. I promised you a copy of my book on how the Prince Charming erotica came to be written. After all as the hashtag says : #YouKnowRicky. LOL.
Thanks to said #Ricky for feeling the urge to suddenly join Facebook. I saw your name there for weeks on my page and ignored it..No friend invite, no messages..Nada. You made sure or were ordered to block me from noticing you on FB. That totally made us all laugh..and oh yeah,We made sure to warn your other victims so they could block you too.Funny thing is you once told me on one of those hot and heavy phone sessions that you could not risk going on social media as all the people you hurt and wronged when you did those "Very Bad, Bad things, Maureen...But I never meant to hurt anyone." (Your infamous excuse for everything ) Now you suddenly join a site you told me you hated and feared. Guess it was difficult to stalk Miss CC and view her photos with the new way FB allows folks to view their pages ONLY if you are a member. Yeah being subtle was never your Forte.

#2016 is looking better every second as we wait for that Ball to drop. No more sadness,no more fake friends and Psychopaths & their idiotic "wifey" running their mouths off about me. #ThanksForMakingMeSoFamous #NoOneBelievesThem..#AllForOneAndOneForAll. At least in our fitness community we truly do believe in what Zumba & Pon De Flo stand for. Light, Health,Happiness, Unity, Strength,Togetherness. Sharing only truth and Positive Goals. #NoRoomForLiars.
I hope all my Faithful readers, fans, followers, friends and family enjoy the Best Holiday season and here's to a Brighter and Happier #2016.
Have Fun & XXOO,