Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sugar Babyz Unite :)

Hello My Friends,

I am enjoying life each and every day. A year ago in Feb 2011 I was dealing with a bizarre female stalker at our "other" site. She was determined to make me pay for walking, no make that, running away from her so called "friendship". It was one of the brighter decisions I ever made. 2011 was a year of personal growth for me. My erotic writing took off and has over 35,000 readers now. I am very happy that something I created can make others happy too.

2011 was the year of the "Prince Charming" and all that he did for me,because of me and to me. He is my muse, good or bad. The writing will live long after I have ceased to and am to be found in one of the 7 circles of Hell. (LOL) I am sooooooooo going to dedicate the book of erotica to him even though he would prefer to remain in the shadows. I feel like taking a lighthouse and turning that big light right on my work. :)

I keep hearing from my men and women friends on how hard it is to find love and sexual chemistry. I hear Men blaming women and vici versa. I am in the rare situation with more than one to keep me happy though one is trying harder than the other these days ;) I want all my friends to find what they are seeking to make them happy. Do whatever it takes to satisfy the primal urges. Why say No when saying Yes feels so right ?

I guess I am just sitting here right now and wondering what do I really want ? Is what I wanted last year still what I am aching for this year ? Where is the man who told me he wanted me pulsating and panting for his touch ? How he demanded to see that before coming to me..I never said being a Sugar Babyz was easy but damm my angels, it should not be this hard. Should it ?

I did my own Tarot as you've seen me mention was very eye opening. The cards read the Prince exactly as I knew they would. They described him to a "T". They also said for my own good I needed to take a vaca somewhere..and soon..Week later another Horoscope arrives and tells me Sugar Daddy and Babyz have to go away NOW. I told Sugar Daddy and lo and behold he believed it too. I received an interesting Tarot reading today by email and thought I'd share it here.

The Three cards for my reading for WED FEB 1st 2012 were..
The World (Love)..The Hanged Man (Touchstone)..The Star (Career)

Today, you're in no mood to declare your undying devotion to your partner, MAUREEN. The conjunction of the Hanged Man and the World puts you in a bad position for making sacrifices or concessions. You keep your distance rather than get too involved, and you prefer light-heartedness to stability. You must act as you think best, but take care not to hurt those close to you with your fickle attitude.Professionally, your projects seem to have come to a standstill. The alliance between the Star and the Hanged Man indicates a situation where you can do nothing, but wait. Naturally, this is quite frustrating. Even more so because you have plenty of ideas, but neither the resources nor the authority to put them into practice. Your action radius is rather reduced, because the people higher up are not giving you the recognition and trust that you deserve. Do not let this get you down too much; continue to do your best!

This was followed by these two, a regular horoscope and a Love scope..

Your love horoscope for February 1, 2012 Don't allow the appearance of troubled waters to stop you from planning a wonderful time out with your partner later on today. The current transits could mean that you may have a few things to discuss, but it would be best if you did not put this off, even though you suspect that you may need to be quite firm about a certain issue. Talking brings a happy resolution.
Your horoscope for February 1, 2012 Love matters may seem to be far worse than they really are, MAUREEN. Emotion runs high as your current love interest seems preoccupied and uncommunicative; however, it wouldn't be a good idea to let your insecurities get the best of you and lash out. Your partner's heart is with you, though the mind is another matter. Family or career problems are getting in the way of your enjoying each other. Bite your tongue, be patient, and hang in there.

Not sure what to make of any of it yet..It is WED and that is a Prince Charming day..

Hoping your HUMP Day/WED is a Great one,



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